KSh105,000.00 -
KSh50,000.00 -
Platinum Lithium Battery 12.8V 100AH
🔋Get reliable power with the Platinum Lithium Battery 12.8V 100AH. Perfect for solar energy systems, RVs, marine applications, and backup power. Lightweight, fast-charging, and maintenance-free. Enjoy extended use, superior safety, and an eco-friendly choice. Order now for consistent, efficient power.
KSh30,000.00KSh35,000.00 -
Garden Light Circular 500Watts
Brighten your garden with the Garden Light Circular 500Watts. Durable, energy-efficient, and stylish, it provides optimal illumination for any outdoor space. Easy to install and perfect for any setting.
KSh10,000.00KSh14,000.00 -
KSh10,000.00 -
Changeover Switch 32A
Ensure reliable power transitions with the Changeover Switch 32A. Ideal for residential and commercial use, it offers smooth operation, advanced safety features, and easy installation. Order now!
KSh8,000.00KSh9,000.00 -
KSh9,000.00 -
KSh23,000.00 -
KSh16,000.00 -
KSh12,000.00 -
Solar Battery SPARK MF100 12V
The Spark MF100 12V Solar Battery is a maintenance-free, deep cycle battery designed for solar energy systems and home backup power. It features a 12V output and 100Ah capacity, with a sealed, non-spillable design. This battery is built to withstand frequent charging and discharging cycles, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliable power storage. It’s ideal for off-grid solar installations, RVs, and backup power solutions.
KSh17,000.00KSh21,000.00 -
Solar Battery POWERLAST MF100 12V
The POWERLAST MF100 12V Solar Battery provides reliable and efficient energy storage for various applications. Designed for durability, it performs well in extreme weather conditions. With a high discharge rate and maintenance-free design, it simplifies energy management. Built-in safety features ensure the longevity of your solar system. Compact and easy to install, the MF100 is ideal for homes, offices, and industrial setups. Choose the POWERLAST MF100 for a dependable and eco-friendly energy solution.
KSh21,000.00KSh25,000.00 -
Solar Battery POWERLAST MF075 12V
Discover reliable solar power with the POWERLAST MF075 12V Solar Battery. This high-performance, maintenance-free battery delivers consistent and efficient energy storage. Perfect for various solar setups, it withstands extreme weather conditions, ensuring long-lasting performance. Its compact design and built-in safety features make it a top choice for powering homes, offices, and industrial setups. Choose the POWERLAST MF075 for a sustainable and dependable energy solution.
KSh14,000.00KSh18,000.00 -
Solar Battery POWERLAST MF050 12V
The POWERLAST MF050 12V Solar Battery delivers reliable and efficient energy storage for homes, offices, and industrial setups. It features a high discharge rate, maintenance-free design, and advanced safety features, making it a top choice for solar energy systems. With its durable construction and compact design, the MF050 ensures consistent performance in all weather conditions. Choose the POWERLAST MF050 for a dependable and eco-friendly energy solution.
KSh11,000.00KSh15,000.00 -
Solar Battery SPARK MF075 12V
Introducing the Solar Battery SPARK MF075 12V – a premium energy storage solution. This battery features high energy density, rapid charging, and a durable design, making it ideal for both residential and commercial solar systems. Its eco-friendly materials and minimal maintenance requirements ensure reliable and sustainable power. Choose SPARK MF075 12V for efficient and dependable energy storage.
KSh13,000.00KSh16,000.00 -
Solar Battery POWERLAST MF026 12V
The POWERLAST MF026 12V solar battery offers reliable, maintenance-free energy storage with fast charging, durability, and eco-friendly performance.
KSh7,000.00KSh10,000.00 -
Solar Battery SPARK MF050 12V
Presenting the Solar Battery SPARK MF050 12V – a top-tier energy storage solution. This battery features high energy density, rapid charging, and a spill-proof design, making it ideal for residential and commercial solar systems. Its robust construction ensures durability and reliability. Choose SPARK MF050 12V for efficient, eco-friendly power.
KSh9,000.00KSh12,000.00 -
Car Battery MFL/R SPARK N70 12V
The MFL/R SPARK N70 12V Car Battery offers superior performance and reliability, with high reserve capacity, maintenance-free design, and advanced safety features for a wide range of vehicles. Drive confidently!