Wall Mounted Solar Garden Light 5Watts
Illuminate your garden with the Wall Mounted Solar Garden Light 5W. This efficient, eco-friendly light harnesses solar energy to provide bright, reliable illumination. Perfect for pathways, patios, and outdoor spaces. Easy to install and maintain, it offers a stylish and sustainable lighting solution.
KSh4,000.00KSh6,000.00 -
KSh5,000.00 -
KSh3,000.00 -
Garden Light Circular 500Watts
Brighten your garden with the Garden Light Circular 500Watts. Durable, energy-efficient, and stylish, it provides optimal illumination for any outdoor space. Easy to install and perfect for any setting.
KSh10,000.00KSh14,000.00 -
KSh10,000.00 -
Out Door Water Proof Wall Light
Out door wall light
Water proof
Smart Illumination
KSh8,500.00KSh10,000.00 -
Solar Garden Light A02-01
Illuminate your garden, patio, or walkway with the Solar Garden Light A02-01. This modern, sleek design combines functionality with aesthetics, providing both light and style to your outdoor spaces. Powered by renewable solar energy, this light offers an eco-friendly solution to traditional outdoor lighting.