Maintenance-free batteries from Solarvet Supplies Limited offer durability and reliability. Enjoy longer battery life without the hassle of constant maintenance. Ideal for various applications, these batteries deliver consistent performance. Choose maintenance-free for stress-free power solutions. Optimize your equipment’s efficiency and lifespan with these dependable batteries, designed for your convenience and peace of mind.
KSh105,000.00 -
KSh50,000.00 -
Lithium Iron Battery 24V 100AH
The 24V 100AH Lithium Iron Battery guarantees high-performance energy storage solution designed for various applications. It is useful in solar systems, RVs, marine, camping, and backup power systems. This battery is ideal for mobility scooters, UPS systems, fire alarm systems, access control systems, and medical devices. With its advanced technology and robust design, the Lithium Iron Battery ensures reliable and efficient power storage for a variety of applications.
KSh45,000.00KSh55,000.00 -
Lithium Iron Battery 12V 200AH
The maintenance free Lithium Iron Battery 12V 200AH offers high-capacity energy storage solution. Designed for various applications, including off-grid solar systems, RVs, marine, camping, and backup power systems. This battery is ideal for replacing standard lead-acid batteries. It is ideal for mobility scooters, UPS systems, fire alarm systems, access control systems, and medical devices. This Lithium Iron Battery offers advanced technology and robust design. It provides reliable and efficient power storage for a variety of applications.
KSh45,000.00KSh55,000.00 -
KSh50,000.00 -
KSh50,000.00 -
KSh45,000.00 -
KSh40,000.00 -
Platinum Lithium Battery 12.8V 100AH
🔋Get reliable power with the Platinum Lithium Battery 12.8V 100AH. Perfect for solar energy systems, RVs, marine applications, and backup power. Lightweight, fast-charging, and maintenance-free. Enjoy extended use, superior safety, and an eco-friendly choice. Order now for consistent, efficient power.
KSh30,000.00KSh35,000.00 -
KSh35,000.00 -
Maintenance Free Gel Battery RTP 200AH
Hi-tech Maintenance Free solar battery.
- 12v 200AH power deep cycle solar battery.
- High durability and performance engineered solar battery.
- Solar Multi-purpose application battery.
KSh30,000.00KSh35,000.00 -
Lithium Iron Battery 12.8V 100AH
Upgrade your energy storage solutions with our 12V 100Ah Lithium Iron Battery. Experience unparalleled efficiency, reliability, and performance in one compact and durable package. Optimize your energy usage and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with choosing a high-quality, sustainable product. Visit our website to learn more and make a purchase today.
KSh28,000.00KSh40,000.00 -
KSh30,000.00 -
Ritah 100AH 12V Gel Battery
The Ritah 100AH 12V Gel Battery offers maintenance-free power and unmatched reliability. It excels in solar systems, backup power, and recreational vehicles. With a robust design, it withstands harsh conditions, ensuring long-lasting performance and safety.
KSh25,000.00KSh30,000.00 -
Solar Battery POWERLAST MF100 12V
The POWERLAST MF100 12V Solar Battery provides reliable and efficient energy storage for various applications. Designed for durability, it performs well in extreme weather conditions. With a high discharge rate and maintenance-free design, it simplifies energy management. Built-in safety features ensure the longevity of your solar system. Compact and easy to install, the MF100 is ideal for homes, offices, and industrial setups. Choose the POWERLAST MF100 for a dependable and eco-friendly energy solution.
KSh21,000.00KSh25,000.00 -
KSh30,000.00 -
KSh25,000.00 -
Maintenance Free Gel Battery RTP 150AH 12V
Hi-tech Maintenance Free solar battery.
- 150 AH 12v power deep cycle solar battery.
- High durability and performance engineered solar battery.
- Solar Multi-purpose application battery.